IRIS webinar ‘How numerical software tools support the creation of replication plans in smart cities energy projects’
Op dinsdag 17 december van 9:00 tot 10:30 vindt een openbaar toegankelijk online IRIS webinar plaats (in het Engels). Centraal staat de manier waarop software kan bijdragen aan slimme steden en energieprojecten.
Intussen heeft de webinar plaatsgevonden. Bekijk terug via deze link.

The objective of this webinar is to familiarize interested in that parties, as for example EU based Municipalities and other relevant stakeholders (energy policy makers, Architects, Engineers, Constructors (AEC)), about representative numerical tools and available software that can be utilized for supporting feasibility studies and replication activities from the level of Lighthouse Cities to Follower ones. Such studies can include the integration in the already existing network of both mature technologies, as well as innovative ones (e.g. heat batteries, RES own harvesting) systems, which aim at transforming their cities into more efficient, healthy, open, accessible, sustainable, prosperous, and thus, more attractive living environments, in their all 3 energy vector grids (electricity, heating, cooling).
As a reference example the city of Alexandroupolis will be used, who in collaboration with CERTH has conducted such type of studies for the case of a) Positive Energy Buildings (solar PV // DC // heat pumps // batteries // heat storage) and b) Near zero-energy districts (solar PV // heat pumps // DC // refurbishment), on their territory. In that case, RETScreen tool was used for the building level analysis and the EnergyPLAN tool for the district level analysis.